Юлия Ёлкин

Ускоряю карьерный рост 🚀
Обо мне
Рекрутер с опытом 17+ лет. Основатель рекрутингового агентства IT Talent и онлайн-академии IT Talent Academy.

Я помогла 1000+ кандидатам найти работу. Перевезла в Европу более 300 человек. Обучила 350+ IT-рекрутеров.

Моя ежедневная работа — поиск кандидатов по всему миру и карьерные консультации.
Я точно знаю, как вас ищут и оценивают рекрутеры, почему на одних кандидатов сыпятся предложения, а других — с равным или даже бОльшим опытом — не замечают.

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Формат встречи
Консультация онлайн в ZOOM
  • Встреча 1:1
  • Продолжительность 1,5 часа
  • Вы можете сделать видеозапись

Кому подойдет карьерная консультация?

1. Кандидатам в активном поиске работы
2. Специалистам, которые боятся потерять работу
3. Тем, кто ищет работу в новой стране
4. Джуниорам в поиске первой серьезной работы
5. Профессионалам, которые хотят выйти на фриланс и обрести свободу
6. Кандидатам, которые ищут возможность сменить профессию или сферу деятельности
7. Специалистам, которые хотят работать по контракту без привязки к офису
8. Тем, кто хочет зарабатывать дополнительно параллельно своей работе
Даже если вы не специалист в области IT!

Какие проблемы поможет решить консультация и на какой результат можно рассчитывать?

Many thanks to Julia for the insightful and helpful consultations, during which I learned how to enhance my LinkedIn profile: what HR specialists pay attention to, how to improve visibility in the job market, and how to independently find suitable job opportunities.

As a result, I've learned to present myself effectively and have found an exciting job. Even during the toughest times, Julia always infused positivity and self-belief.
QA Automation Engineer
For Julia headhunting and recruitment is not just a job or just a business. She profoundly understands the social, cultural, and emotional background of a client and organization that client represents. She always has a deep understanding of human needs, profile, and social setup of a candidate. And in the end, she is willing to invest time into painstaking art of matching client and candidate together.

What I also find crucially important in Julia's behavioral model is that she is strongly protecting a candidate. For prospective candidates getting into Julia's pipeline means very high chances of getting excellent employment.
Founder, President @ Universum
I am very glad that I met Yulia. She gave me very helpful tips on how I could improve my ability to succeed in the job market: how I could improve my resume and LinkedIn profile, what knowledge and skills are appropriate to develop, and which companies might be interested in my potential.

To be honest, at the moment I get job offers literally every day.
Very professional, she help me to find a job opportunity in Estonia.

She understood quickly my strength, give me good advises and redirect me to something that fit very well with what I wanted.
Full-Stack Software Engineer
Julia is the BEST IT recruiter in Estonia. She always ask the right questions (meaning she know what does one IT specialist would like to know before even is ready to have a coffee :). She is able to bring candidates all over the world and with the speed that I have never seen before.
I had the pleasure to take part in the meeting conducted by Julia Jolkin where she gave a lot of good ideas on how to use Linkedin in job search. There are some important features which give additional possibilities to find a good job having several different offers.

The ideas were not only about the IT market but also about coaching and sales and not only about Linkedin but also about the trends on the job market. I highly recommend Julia's consulting service.
Business & Executive Coach ICU
Head of People and Culture
I came for a career consultation with Julia to clarify my career strategy.

This consultation proved to be a successful investment, opening up new opportunities for me. I received a valuable focus tune-up (because success is where focus is) and realized the importance of the second part of the rule - "work hard and let the world know about it".

For my next career move, I will certainly seek advice from Julia again - successful investments are worth repeating.
I reached out to Julia for a career advice and CV overview and got a lot of great tips and solid advice. Julia knows a lot about jobs at innovative businesses and openly shares what companies are looking for.

Thanks for the great support and advice, Julia!
Financial manager
А что после консультации?
После консультации я буду рада оценить, как вы внедрили мои советы в резюме или профиле на LinekedIn, и дам вам обратную связь.
Если вы поймете, что хотите проработать проблему на более комплексном уровне или решить другие задачи, мы обсудим форматы дальнейшей работы.
Ускорьте свой карьерный рост
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Подарите карьерный рост
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